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Meet The Team

The Cross Team Outreach Quest

Helping the Homeless Together...

The Cross Team (TCT) represent a collective group of volunteers & contributors in partnership with San Jose Christian Alliance Church (SJCAC) and other alliances in devoting our quest to helping the most vulnerable. The individual contributors are made up of folks with different backgrounds & religious beliefs but same heart & mind willingly committing our time and finances for an important cause. We serve because we care, want to make a positive change and be a part of the solution. We know that change cannot be accomplished overnight, in a single event or by one person. It takes time, dedication and a team. Hence, TCT is a partnership across churches, organizations, sponsors, individual contributors and volunteers joining forces to maximize our time and resources to minister to the unsheltered community. It is a journey which we are committed to.

We believe in giving back and to do good. It's an opportunity for us to share our blessings with others.


In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’  –Acts 20:35


San Jose Christian Alliance Church - Worship & Ministry Team

Our worship & ministry team from San Jose Christian Alliance Church (SJCAC) have been faithfully serving the unhoused community every week. It doesn't matter the weather, Dyung, Van and Lan are always there to serve coffee, snacks and minister to our unhoused friends. Their consistent presence is to build relationships, trust and be available to anyone who wants to share or needs help. Their love, dedication & time is a beacon of light to the homeless community.

San Jose Christian Alliance Church - Youth Team

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As part of the Christian Alliance Church, we believe in the importance of showing love and kindness to everyone regardless of their situation. To learn more about Christian Alliance Church, visit us at SJCAC. Join our family and share the joy & hope we have in Jesus Christ.


House of Refuge

Our partnership with House of Refuge allows us to work together to meet the needs of those experiencing homelessness in our community. Meet the House of Refuge team below or click on their logo to view their website.


Rosa Cruise                       

Our organization also depends on the generosity of individuals like Rosa who have a heart for helping others. Rosa has donated her time and finances to cook for the unhoused every week, and has provided desserts for all of our quarterly events. We are fortunate to have her on our team and incredibly grateful for her contributions in helping us make a difference in the lives of those who are homeless.

Stained Glass Praise
Our HIStory


How it all started...

On Christmas of 2022, my husband and I wanted to give back by cooking, serving, and giving out warm essentials for the homeless community by the Tully Library with the help of a few dear friends & family. Jenny, Jenna, Mike, Maggie and Dat  all chipped in generously for the food and supplies. Our unhoused friends really enjoyed it and asked when is the next one. At the time, we didn't have any plans for another one until next Christmas as that's the time we usually give back every year. 

As Chinese New Year was coming around, I thought if we can get our friends to help out again then we would do another one. Our same group of friends were delighted to host another event together. Thanks to Maggie, she got many people to volunteer and fund the event. Thanks to Jasmine, we had tables and chairs for people to sit down to eat and socialize. Thanks to Nhan, Tho and Oanh for their very generous donation of new sleeping bags for the unhoused who lost everything during the storm and heavy flooding. Once again we were asked when is the next one?


We were so grateful that we could share our blessings with others and felt led to continue sharing. However, it was Maggie's compassion, kind heartedness and good deeds that encouraged us to host the event quarterly. That's why she's co-founder of this private charity. She helped spread the words to many who were interested in volunteering, donating towards our cause, and willing to commit regularly. 


To form a team we asked a few individuals and without any hesitation Maggie, Dat, Mike L., Jenny, Jasmine, Nhan and Stephanie & Mike C. said YES! On April 2, 2023, we met at SJCAC campus to form a partnership with San Jose Christian Alliance Church and House of Refuge as The (Cross )eam.


It was truly orchestrated by God as our charity wouldn't exist without Him sending these generous hearts, kind souls and alliances. 

How did we come up with the name, The Cross Team?

We believe that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The (Cross )eam because our mission is to focus on restoring one's spirit, as well as their physical needs by working together as one body of Christ. 


Our goal is to bring hope to the lost by partnering across organizations and churches to provide food & outreach supplies to the houseless community. We are crossing boundaries to join forces in combining resources & efforts to restore hope and present opportunities for individuals to rebuild their lives. 

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